Book – The Hitchhiker
Author – Elle Bee
Star rating – ★★★★★
Would I read it again – Yes
Plot – unique, enticing, well done
Characters – intriguing, not over/under done
Movie Potential – ★★★★★
Ease of reading – very easy to read
This was a really interesting book to read. I’ve never read one with this concept before so I don’t have much to compare it with, but this was brilliantly done.
The start was intriguing, it sparked my interest and I instantly wanted to know more. There was a connection to Coop right away, without it being forced and as a reader, I enjoy getting little snippets of his story throughout the book, without it all being crammed into one space, or without having to wait until the end.
This was a very original concept, with a nice twist away from the usual horror hitchhiker stories I’ve come across. Overall, the book took me two nights, one week apart, to read. (Because of Christmas festivities etc) It didn’t feel too long, but nor was it too short. It was a nice length for comfortable reading, especially since once I started I hated to put it down.
I enjoyed getting to know each character. There wasn’t ever one that I wasn’t interested in. I liked Barney and I felt for him, right from the beginning, feeling sorry for him having a brother like Crank. But I also felt for Crank, which surprised me. I’m not used to feeling empathy or compassion for the ‘bad guy’ of the story, but the author did this in such a great way that the ending sat nicely with me.
I did sense, throughout the book, that things wouldn’t even be as they appeared with the story and I’m glad to say that I’m right. This whole book is about not judging what you see on the outside and looking deeper within someone. I think that’s what I took away most from this book.
I enjoyed the pace of the story. It was neither too fast or too slow. Coop was very consistent in his beliefs and his attempts to figure out his gift, never losing faith even through the tough times. I also really liked that not everyone jumped on the band wagon of ‘faith’ and God, when he brought up the subject. Emily and Jennifer, as characters, made it refreshing. But at the same time, I really liked the people Coop met on his hitchhiking journey. It was nice to have these characters, showing us that not everyone is who they appear to be and everyone has their own story.
I have to admit, though, that I finished this book really worried about Jennifer. There had better be a book two. Though, I could see her being the right girl for Coop, or leading him to the right girl, if he can save her. Which I’m sure he will.
This whole book made me smile. It felt light and happy and was definitely a feel good read, despite the tension and danger throughout the story. A unique, original concept for a book, excellently done.